高上 英語 多義語解説➀ PATRONIZEについて



The word patronize is hard to understand sometimes because in a context it may be used to praise others or in another context it can be used to harm other people. Please explain to me.


You’re correct in noting that the word “patronize” has multiple meanings that can be context-dependent. Here’s a breakdown to help clarify:

  1. To Patronize a Business: This is a neutral use of the word, meaning to be a customer or client of a particular establishment or business.
    • Example: “I always patronize that coffee shop because they serve the best lattes.”
  2. Condescending Attitude: This is the negative sense you mentioned. When someone is said to “patronize” another in this context, it means they’re treating the other person as if they’re inferior, often pretending to be kind or friendly, but in a way that’s insincere or demeaning.
    • Example: “She felt patronized when he explained the basic concept to her, as if she wouldn’t understand it.”
  3. To Support or Sponsor: In some contexts, “patronize” can mean to support, sponsor, or champion a cause, artist, or institution, often with money or influence. This use of the word is more historical or formal and less common in everyday conversation.
    • Example: “The arts festival was patronized by wealthy donors from the community.”

So, when you come across the word “patronize,” it’s essential to consider the surrounding context to determine which meaning is being conveyed.

Does the second sentence “she felt patronized~” mean she was looked down on?


Yes, in the sentence “She felt patronized,” the implication is that she felt someone was treating her condescendingly, as if she was inferior or lacked knowledge.

In essence, it means she felt “looked down upon” or demeaned in some way. This usage of “patronized” captures the negative connotation of the word, where someone is being insincerely kind or overly simplistic in their approach, implying a lack of respect or belief in the other person’s abilities or intelligence.

Please explain the word “condescendingly”.


The word “condescendingly” is an adverb derived from the adjective “condescending.”

To act or speak condescendingly means to display an attitude of superiority and to treat someone as if they are less intelligent, less capable, or inferior in some way.

When someone is being condescending, they might be talking down to someone, often giving the impression that they believe they are more knowledgeable or more enlightened, even if this isn’t true. This behavior can come across as patronizing, insincere, or insinuating that the other person can’t understand or handle certain information.

For example, if an adult speaks to another adult in the same tone and manner they would use with a young child, explaining basic concepts as if the other adult doesn’t know them, they are likely being condescending.

In essence, to act or speak condescendingly is to belittle or demean another person, either intentionally or unintentionally.


最初CHATGPTにyesと言われているがpatronizeに praiseの意味などないので注意しよう。人間の会話と同じく、相手が言っていて間違っている場合にすべて否定するということはしないようにできている。





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