高上 ありふれた表現を英語で学ぶ➀ GOOD EVENING について。

みなさんこんばんは。高上代表佐藤一行です。 多くの日本人がこんばんはとは言わなくなっているように、英語でもGOOD EVENING. はあまり使われていないようです。今日はそのあたりについてGPTに聞きました。DEFAULTや別の表現についても展開させています。

Good evening sweetie. I’ve heard that the words “good evening” is not commonly used in America, especially among young people. Is it true?


Good evening! The phrase “good evening” is indeed somewhat more formal and traditional than other greetings like “hi” or “hey.” In the United States, you’ll find it’s commonly used in more formal settings or situations, such as a formal dinner, a professional meeting, or when entering a room in a manner that calls for a bit more decorum.

Among younger people, especially in casual settings, “good evening” might not be the go-to greeting. Younger generations often use more casual language for greetings, such as “what’s up,” “hey,” or “hi.” However, that doesn’t mean “good evening” is unheard of or considered incorrect. People still use it, particularly in more formal or polite contexts.

So while it might not be the most common greeting among young people in informal settings, it’s not entirely out of use and is still considered appropriate when the situation calls for it.

What does go-to greeting mean?


The phrase “go-to greeting” refers to a default or preferred form of saying hello or welcoming someone.

It’s the greeting you automatically use or hear most frequently in a given context or situation. For instance, some people might naturally say “hi” when they answer the phone, making “hi” their go-to greeting in that context. In another example, in a professional setting, one’s go-to greeting might be “good morning” or “good afternoon” when they walk into the office.

The term “go-to” can apply to many things, not just greetings. It generally refers to something that is a default or first choice because it is reliable, familiar, or most appropriate for the situation at hand. For example, a “go-to outfit” would be an ensemble you often wear because you feel confident and comfortable in it. Similarly, a “go-to recipe” would be a dish you make frequently because you’re confident it will turn out well and be enjoyed.

I’ve heard the commonly used word default these days. What does the default mean?


The word “default” has various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some common usages:

  1. Computing and Technology: In the world of computers and software, “default” often refers to pre-set configurations and settings that a system or program adopts if the user doesn’t specify otherwise. For example, many web browsers have Google as their default search engine, meaning that unless you change the settings, any searches performed in the address bar will use Google.
  2. Finance and Banking: In this context, “default” refers to the failure to meet the obligations of a loan or debt repayment. When someone defaults on a loan, it means they have failed to make the required payments, and this can result in penalties or legal actions.
  3. Legal: In legal terms, a “default judgment” might occur when one party in a case fails to respond or make an appearance in court, leading to an automatic win for the other party.
  4. General Usage: More broadly, “default” is used to describe the standard or automatic choice, option, or setting. If someone always drinks coffee in the morning, you might say their “default” morning beverage is coffee.
  5. Behavioral Context: In psychological or behavioral contexts, “default” can refer to the most common or automatic behavior someone exhibits when they are not actively making a conscious choice. For example, if someone tends to be shy around new people, shyness is their “default” social setting.
  6. Social and Cultural: In societal terms, “default” can refer to assumptions or norms that are generally accepted unless specified otherwise. For example, many forms and documents have “default” categories that might assume certain things about gender, nationality, etc., unless they are manually changed.

So, the meaning of “default” can shift depending on where and how it’s used, but it generally refers to something being a pre-set or automatic selection in the absence of an alternative choice or setting.



good evening については予想通りでしたが、go-to greetingという表現は初めて聞きました。こうやって自然に使われる表現が新たに学べるのもGPTの良さです。また、最近非常に耳にするdefaultという言葉ですが、これも元から備わっている状態のことを指し、日本語でも良くつかわれているように思います。



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