高上 理系英語解説① 3つの気の流れ。 



Please explain the difference between laminar and turbulent flow.


The terms “laminar flow” and “turbulent flow” refer to different types of fluid motion in fluid dynamics, a branch of physics that studies the behavior of fluids. Here’s how the two differ:

Laminar Flow

  1. Smooth Flow: In laminar flow, fluid particles flow in smooth, parallel layers, with minimal mixing or cross-currents between layers.
  2. Predictable: The behavior of the fluid is more predictable and the motion of individual particles can be well-described by streamlines that are also parallel.
  3. Low Velocity: Laminar flow is often found at low flow velocities and in small or confined spaces like small tubes, between the layers of the atmosphere, or around streamlined objects moving at slow speeds.
  4. Low Reynolds Number: Laminar flow occurs at a low Reynolds number, typically less than about 2000. The Reynolds number is a dimensionless quantity used to predict flow patterns in different fluid flow situations.
  5. Low Shear Stress: Laminar flow is characterized by low shear stress, and therefore, low rates of energy loss in the flow.
  6. Applications: Laminar flow is desirable in systems where high efficiency is important, such as in the wings of high-efficiency airplanes, in the cardiovascular system, or in certain industrial processes.

Turbulent Flow

  1. Chaotic Flow: In turbulent flow, fluid particles move in a chaotic, random manner. There are eddies, swirls, and fluctuations in velocity and pressure.
  2. Unpredictable: The motion is much less predictable at the microscopic level, although statistically, it can be analyzed.
  3. High Velocity: Turbulent flow is often found at high flow velocities and in large systems like rivers, ocean currents, and in the flow of air around large obstacles.
  4. High Reynolds Number: Turbulent flow occurs at high Reynolds numbers, typically greater than about 4000.
  5. High Shear Stress: Turbulent flow has higher shear stress compared to laminar flow, and thus higher rates of energy dissipation.
  6. Applications: Turbulent flow is common in many natural systems and engineering applications, including weather systems, vehicle aerodynamics, and most large-scale flows of fluids in pipes and channels.

Transitional Flow

There’s also a regime between laminar and turbulent flows known as “transitional flow,” where elements of both laminar and turbulent flow can coexist.

The difference between laminar and turbulent flow is important in many applications, ranging from industrial processes to medical devices and natural phenomena. The study of these flow types is fundamental to fluid dynamics and continues to be an area of active research.


いかがでしたか? 3つとも訳はついていて、層流、乱流、遷移流というそうです。子に日本語自体聞いたことがない人がほとんどなのではないでしょうか?(乱流と乱気流はまた違う)




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