高上 英語構文解釈① 



”The script was torn up and allowed to fall to the floor during the performance.”

What does the sentence mean?

The sentence “the script was torn up and allowed to fall to the floor during the performance” describes an action that took place during a performance, where a script (typically a written document containing the dialogue, stage directions, and other elements of a play or performance) was intentionally ripped or torn into pieces, and then was left to drop or fall onto the ground.

This action can be interpreted in various ways:

  1. Literally: It simply describes an event. The script was physically torn and dropped on the floor.
  2. Symbolically: The act of tearing up a script could represent a rejection or dismissal of the written content. For instance, an actor might tear up the script to show that they are going “off-script” or disregarding the prepared material.
  3. Emotionally: The act might convey strong emotions. For instance, an actor might tear up the script out of frustration, anger, or passion.

Without further context about the performance or the reason behind the action, it’s hard to determine the exact meaning or intention behind it.


ここまで読んで何か違和感を感じた人はいないでしょうか? 最初の文章は、受験英語を学んできた人であれば違和感を感じるはずです。私が最初に感じた違和感を、もう一度形を変えてGPTに質問しました。以下そのやり取りをご確認ください。

Is the sentence grammatically okay?

Yes, the sentence “the script was torn up and allowed to fall to the floor during the performance” is grammatically correct.

It utilizes passive voice to describe an action that happened to the script (it was torn up and it was allowed to fall) during a particular event (the performance). The use of passive voice puts emphasis on the action itself rather than on who performed the action.



I learned that you cannot say “the script was allowed to fall.”

Your point touches on the nuance of agency and control in English language constructions.

The phrase “allowed to fall” suggests that someone or something had control over the script and made a conscious choice not to prevent it from falling. In most contexts, inanimate objects like scripts do not possess their own agency, so it can sound a bit awkward to say that they were “allowed” to do something.

That being said, the language can be flexible. In a metaphorical or literary sense, one might use such a phrase to create a particular image or mood. However, in everyday speech or standard writing, it might be clearer to say something like:

  • “The script was torn up and fell to the floor during the performance.”

This avoids attributing agency or control where it might not be appropriate. However, the original sentence isn’t “wrong” per se, but it might be seen as unusual or less natural depending on the context.



いかがだったでしょうか? 私が感じた疑問にきちんと答えてくれました。結局無生物主語に対してALLOWを使うのはおかしいのではないか?との私の主張に対して、GPTがきちんと回答をくれたわけです。さらにはより明確な一文まで提示してくれました。受験英語でルールとして覚えてきた様々な事柄に例外があることの再確認できたかと思います。



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