高上 英語 背景知識講座 ②


People can have close friendships with only a limited number of individuals.

The notion that people can have close friendships with only a limited number of individuals is based on a mix of anthropological research and social theories. Robin Dunbar, a British anthropologist, proposed “Dunbar’s Number” in the 1990s, which suggests that humans can only maintain stable social relationships with roughly 150 people due to cognitive limits. Within this spectrum of 150, there are varying degrees of closeness, and the innermost circle, which contains the closest relationships, is theorized to consist of about 5 to 6 people.

However, some points to consider include:

  1. Variability Among Individuals: While Dunbar’s theory offers a general observation, it doesn’t apply universally. Some people might have more or fewer close relationships than others based on their personalities, life experiences, and personal preferences.
  2. Depth vs. Breadth: Some people prioritize having a few deep relationships, while others might prefer a broader range of less-intimate friendships. Neither approach is inherently better, and what works for one person might not work for another.
  3. Changes Over Time: Relationships are dynamic. The number of close friends a person has might vary over different stages of life. For example, a young adult in college may have a different social circle than they might in their 40s or 50s.
  4. Different Cultures: Cultural norms and values play a significant role in how people form and maintain relationships. In some cultures, close-knit extended families might mean more close relationships, while in others, nuclear families and close friends outside the family might be more prominent.
  5. Technology’s Impact: The digital age, especially social media, has changed the dynamics of friendships and how we perceive closeness. Online friendships can sometimes be as intimate as face-to-face ones, although the nature of these connections can be quite different.
  6. Definition of “Close”: What one person considers a close friend might be different from another’s definition. The depth, frequency of interaction, mutual understanding, and shared experiences can all be metrics of closeness, but they can vary widely.

In summary, while there’s some research suggesting there’s a limit to the number of close relationships we can maintain, it’s essential to recognize the individual variability and the changing nature of human relationships. What’s most important is the quality and depth of these relationships, not necessarily the quantity.



  1. ダンバーの数:ロビン・ダンバーという人類学者が提唱した理論で、人が安定して社交関係を維持できるのは平均で約150人までと言われています。この数は、人間の脳の大きさと社交関係のサイズとの間に相関があるという研究結果に基づいています。この150人の中には、家族、友人、知人などが含まれるわけですが、その中で「親友」と呼べる人数はさらに限られてきます。
  2. 時間との関係:人間は限られた時間の中で生きているため、多くの人と深い関係を築くことは難しい。親友とは深い絆や信頼関係がある人を指すため、そのような関係を多くの人と築くためには多大な時間と労力が必要となります。
  3. 深い関係の質:親友とは心の底からの信頼や共感、理解を持つ関係です。多くの人とこのような関係を築こうとすると、各関係の質が希薄になる可能性があります。
  4. 感情的・精神的リソースの限界:人間は感情的、精神적に限界があります。多くの人と深い関係を維持しようとすると、そのストレスや葛藤が増えることも考えられます。
  5. 共通の価値観や興味:親友という関係は、共通の価値観や興味、経験に基づいて築かれることが多いです。すべての人とそのような共通点を見つけるのは難しいでしょう。





opportunity costの考えが日本ではあまりに希薄であると感じる。





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