高上 似ている英語識別訓練 ① 

What is the difference of the word “effect” and “efficacy”?

answer by CHAtGPT

Please tell me about the difference of the word efficacy and effect.

Certainly! The words “efficacy” and “effect” both deal with outcomes, but they are used differently:

  1. Efficacy:
    • Refers to the ability of something to produce the desired or intended result, especially under controlled or ideal conditions.
    • Commonly used in contexts like medical or scientific studies where the performance of a treatment or method is being evaluated.
    • Example: “The efficacy of the new drug was demonstrated in clinical trials.”
  2. Effect:
    • Refers to a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
    • It’s a more general term and can be used in a variety of contexts.
    • Example: “The effect of the storm was devastating to the coastal towns.”

In essence, “efficacy” is more about the potential or capability of something to bring about a result (often in optimal conditions), while “effect” refers to the actual change or outcome that has occurred due to a particular cause.





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