高上 英文読解 背景知識講座 ④睡眠について

受験でもよく取り上げられる話題。睡眠について。きちんと寝たはずなのに、なぜ昼間に眠くなるのか? についてCHATGPTから回答を得た。

Why do humans have strong drowsiness even during the day?

While I don’t have feelings or experiences, I can provide information based on the data I’ve been trained on. There are various reasons why someone might feel drowsy or fatigued during the day even after a full night’s sleep:

  1. Sleep Quality: It’s not just the quantity of sleep that matters, but also its quality. Factors like waking up frequently during the night, having nightmares, or sleeping in an uncomfortable environment can affect sleep quality.
  2. Sleep Cycles: Humans go through several sleep cycles during the night, each consisting of different sleep stages including deep sleep (REM sleep). If you’re awakened during deep sleep, you might feel groggy and tired, even if you’ve slept for an adequate amount of time.
  3. Sleep Disorders: Conditions like sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy can disrupt sleep, leading to daytime drowsiness.
  4. Diet and Hydration: Consuming large meals, especially carb-heavy ones, can cause post-meal drowsiness. Additionally, dehydration can also make you feel tired.
  5. Medications: Some medications have side effects that can cause drowsiness.
  6. Mental Health: Conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress can lead to feelings of fatigue and tiredness during the day.
  7. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: This is a condition characterized by prolonged and unexplained tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest.
  8. Physical Health Conditions: Issues like anemia, thyroid disorders, diabetes, and various other health conditions can lead to feelings of fatigue.
  9. Inactivity: Ironically, not getting enough physical activity can lead to feelings of fatigue. Regular exercise can help boost energy levels.
  10. Circadian Rhythm Disruption: Our bodies have a natural sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm. Factors like jet lag, shift work, or even exposure to screens before bedtime can disrupt this rhythm, leading to daytime sleepiness.

If someone consistently feels drowsy or fatigued during the day despite getting enough sleep, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional to determine any underlying causes and appropriate solutions.



  1. 徹夜や短時間の睡眠: たとえ前の夜に「きちんと」眠ったとしても、何日間かの短時間の睡眠や徹夜の影響で、体内の睡眠不足が蓄積されている場合があります。
  2. 睡眠の質: 睡眠時間が十分でも、睡眠の質が悪いと昼間に眠気を感じることがあります。深い睡眠やREM睡眠などの重要な段階を十分にとれない場合、体や脳が十分に休息を得られないためです。
  3. 食事: 重い食事や炭水化物を多く含む食事を摂ると、血糖値が上昇し、インスリンの分泌が促されます。これにより、眠気を感じやすくなることがあります。
  4. 生体リズム: 人間は昼間にも生体リズムによる自然な眠気のピークが存在します。特に午後2時から4時頃は眠気を感じやすいと言われています。
  5. 活動レベル: 長時間の物理的、精神的な活動により、体や脳が疲れて眠気を感じることがあります。
  6. 薬物の影響: 一部の薬物やアルコールは眠気の副作用を持つことがあります。
  7. 医療的な問題: 眠気の原因として、無呼吸症候群や鬱病、甲状腺機能低下症などの医療的な問題が考えられます。これらの疾患や状態は昼間の眠気を引き起こすことがあります。
  8. 環境的要因: 昼間の明るさ、温度、騒音などの環境的要因も、眠気を感じる要因となることがあります。







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