高上 英語 英文背景知識 ⑥ FOOD COMAについて

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What is food coma?

“Food coma” is a colloquial term for the sleepy, fatigued feeling one gets after eating a large meal. The scientific term for this state is “postprandial somnolence.” Let’s dive into the details.

Causes of Food Coma:

  1. Parasympathetic Nervous System Activation: After consuming a meal, especially a large one, the body shifts more of its energy toward digestion. The parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for “rest and digest” activities, becomes more active while the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for “fight or flight” activities) becomes less active. This shift can lead to feelings of relaxation and drowsiness.
  2. Blood Flow to the Digestive System: Digestion requires a significant amount of blood to transport nutrients. After eating, blood flow is redirected to the stomach and intestines to aid in this process. As a result, there’s less blood flow to other systems, which can contribute to feelings of tiredness.
  3. Release of Certain Hormones: The act of eating and digesting food can stimulate the release of various hormones. For instance, the intake of carbohydrates prompts the secretion of insulin, which can in turn facilitate the uptake of amino acids into tissues. This leaves a higher ratio of the amino acid tryptophan in the bloodstream. Tryptophan is known to promote sleep as it serves as a precursor for serotonin, a neurotransmitter, which can then be converted into melatonin, a hormone involved in sleep regulation.
  4. Consumption of Specific Foods: Some foods, such as those rich in carbohydrates, can lead to a sharper increase in insulin levels, potentially amplifying the effects of tryptophan. Additionally, foods that are high in fat can result in prolonged stomach stretching, which may induce sleepiness.
  5. Size of the Meal: Larger meals require more energy to digest, so they can lead to greater feelings of fatigue compared to smaller meals.
  6. Alcohol: If consumed with the meal, alcohol can act as a depressant on the central nervous system and induce drowsiness.

How to Prevent a Food Coma:

  1. Eat Smaller, More Frequent Meals: Rather than having three large meals, consider five or six smaller ones throughout the day.
  2. Balance Your Meal: Including protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates can ensure a steady release of energy.
  3. Limit Sugary Foods and Drinks: These can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar, followed by a sharp drop, which can make you feel tired.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water aids digestion and helps maintain energy levels.
  5. Take a Short Walk: After eating, a brief walk can stimulate blood flow and reduce feelings of drowsiness.
  6. Limit Alcohol Consumption During Meals: If you’re aiming to stay alert post-meal, consider skipping the alcohol or consuming it in moderation.

In conclusion, a food coma is a natural response to the body’s shift in priorities after eating. While it can be enjoyable to relax after a hearty meal, if you find yourself frequently incapacitated by food comas and it’s affecting your productivity or well-being, you might consider adjusting your dietary and lifestyle habits.





  1. ブラッドグルコースの上昇:食事によって炭水化物を多く摂取すると、糖分が体内で分解されてブラッドグルコース(血糖)が上昇します。これに応じて、身体はインスリンを放出します。インスリンの放出は、アミノ酸の一部を筋肉に運ぶ役割がありますが、トリプトファンというアミノ酸を除いて運ばれます。結果として、血液中のトリプトファンの相対的な濃度が増加します。トリプトファンは脳内でセロトニンへと変換され、さらにメラトニンへと変換されることがあり、これらは睡眠を誘発するホルモンとして知られています。
  2. 副交感神経の活動:食事を摂取すると、体は食物の消化と栄養素の吸収にエネルギーを使わざるを得ません。この時、副交感神経が活発になり、「休息と消化」の状態が促されます。これに対して、交感神経は「戦うか逃げるか」の状態を促すもので、活動的な状態を指します。食後は、この副交感神経の活動が優越するため、リラックスしやすくなります。
  3. 消化器系の血流の増加:食事後、消化のために胃や腸に多くの血液が供給されるようになります。これによって他の身体の部位への血流が相対的に減少する可能性があり、特に大脳への血流が減少することで眠気が生じると考えられています。
  4. 一部の食材:一部の食材、特に大豆製品や乳製品、魚、鶏肉などに含まれるトリプトファンは、セロトニンの生成を促すため、これを多く摂取すると眠気を感じやすくなります。







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