高上 英語 多義語解説② Otherwise の使い方。


Please tell me some nice examples of otherwise.


Certainly! The word “otherwise” is often used to indicate a different or opposite situation or result. Here’s an example:

“Please make sure to water the plants daily; otherwise, they will wither and die.”

In this sentence, “otherwise” is used to show the consequence or result if the preceding action (watering the plants) is not taken.

“I think there are a lot of other usages of this word. Please explain all of them to me.

Certainly! The word “otherwise” is versatile and can be used in a variety of contexts. Here are its main uses and examples for each:

  1. Indicating a different or opposite situation or result:
    • Example: “You need to study regularly; otherwise, you’ll have trouble during the exams.”
  2. In the absence of the conditions being specified:
    • Example: “He is ill and cannot come to the party. Otherwise, he would definitely be here.”
  3. In another way or manner; differently:
    • Example: “She thought the dress was blue, but I saw it otherwise.”
  4. Apart from what is specified:
    • Example: “There was nothing he could do otherwise than wait.”
  5. In other respects; apart from that:
    • Example: “The car is old but is in good condition otherwise.”
  6. Indicating a continuation of a theme or idea:
    • Example: “I don’t like to fly. Rail travel is less stressful. Cruises, otherwise, can be a great option if you have time.”
  7. Used to modify adjectives to indicate exception:
    • Example: “He was otherwise occupied, so he couldn’t attend the meeting.”
  8. Used to indicate a surprise or unexpected nature of some information:
    • Example: “The report was clear and concise. The conclusion, otherwise, was unexpected.”

While these cover the most common uses of “otherwise,” the word’s versatility means that it can appear in other nuanced contexts as well. Always consider the surrounding context when interpreting or using the word.


4の使い方は面白いですね。あとは概ね受験英語でもしょっちゅう習う範囲でしょう。wiseとは~の点でという意味で、otherwise はそのほかの点でという意味です。その他の点を文頭などで強調すると、そうでなければといった意味になってきます。




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