The sound registers well.  この文の意味は何か?(高上 英語 多義語解説 ③)

みなさんこんにちは。高上代表 佐藤一行です。面白い表現について学んだので、ここに共有しておきます。

このregisterもちろん登録するという意味ではありません。それではどんな意味なのか? 以下の表現と共通の内容を持っています。


  1. Break:
    • Transitive: She broke the vase.
    • Intransitive (with a passive feel): The vase breaks easily.
  2. Open:
    • Transitive: He opened the door.
    • Intransitive: The door opens with a key.
  3. Sell:
    • Transitive: They sold the old car.
    • Intransitive: The car sells at a high price.
  4. Cook:
    • Transitive: She cooked the chicken.
    • Intransitive: The chicken cooks in 30 minutes.
  5. Melt:
    • Transitive: The sun melted the ice.
    • Intransitive: The ice melts quickly.
  6. Burn:
    • Transitive: He burned the papers.
    • Intransitive: The papers burn easily.
  7. Wear:
    • Transitive: She wears the dress beautifully.
    • Intransitive: The dress wears comfortably.
  8. Tear:
    • Transitive: He tore the paper.
    • Intransitive: The paper tears easily.
  9. Peel:
    • Transitive: She peeled the orange.
    • Intransitive: The orange peels smoothly.
  10. Fold:
  • Transitive: He folded the clothes.
  • Intransitive: The shirt folds neatly.

These verbs are fascinating because they can shift focus in a sentence, depending on how they are used. The intransitive constructions allow the subject to be both the recipient and, indirectly, the agent of the action, giving a passive or reflexive sense to the statement.



  1. Record: To enter or record in an official list, book, or register. For example, “I need to register my car,” or “She registered for the conference.”
  2. Sign up: To enroll or sign up for something. For example, “He registered for a new class.”
  3. Measure or Show: As in instruments or devices displaying a measurement. For instance, “The thermometer registered 100 degrees.”
  4. Impression: To make an impression or to be significant. For example, “It didn’t register with him that she was upset.”
  5. Sound: In music and voice, “register” can refer to a range or scale of a voice or instrument. For instance, “The soprano’s high register.”
  6. Mechanical: In printing, “register” can mean to align or adjust for proper coordination or alignment. For example, “The colors on the print are out of register.”
  7. Computing: In computer architecture, a register is a small, fast storage location in the central processing unit (CPU).

These are just a few of the many meanings and uses of the word “register.” Its exact meaning often depends on the specific context.


4番です。タイトルの英語の意味は、『その音はよく聞こえる。』の意味でした。registerにはsense やperceiveの意味もあったのです。





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