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  • モデルエッセイを参照する
  • アイデアのブレインストーミング
  • 対話形式での練習
  • 語彙の拡張




1. Essay Topic:

Agree or disagree: The rise of remote work has significantly improved the quality of life for employees.

  • Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
  • Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Suggested length: 200-240 words.
  • Write your essay in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

2. Essay Topic:

Agree or disagree: Artificial intelligence will have a more positive than negative impact on the future of healthcare.

  • Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
  • Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Suggested length: 200-240 words.
  • Write your essay in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

3. Essay Topic:

Agree or disagree: Environmental conservation should be prioritized over economic development in all circumstances.

  • Give THREE reasons to support your answer.
  • Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Suggested length: 200-240 words.
  • Write your essay in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.




The rise of remote work has revolutionized the work-life dynamics. I firmly believe that it has significantly improved the quality of life for employees for several reasons.

Firstly, remote work eradicates commuting, saving substantial time and energy, leading to an increased availability for personal activities or relaxation, thereby improving mental health. Secondly, it provides unprecedented flexibility, allowing employees to adjust their workspace and hours according to personal preferences. This flexibility helps employees balance their personal and professional lives better.

Finally, remote work can enhance productivity. Studies suggest that employees can focus better in a comfortable environment, leading to greater efficiency. Also, virtual meetings can be more time-efficient, eliminating the need for travel and the related logistics.

However, the transition to remote work hasn’t been seamless and there are valid concerns regarding the social isolation and blurred work-life boundaries. But these challenges also push companies to innovate and create a more empathetic work culture.

In conclusion, while remote work does come with its set of challenges, the positive impacts it has had on employees’ quality of life are undeniable.


Although the rise of remote work has been largely celebrated, I contend that it has not unequivocally improved the quality of life for all employees.

Firstly, remote work can exacerbate feelings of isolation. Offices not only provide a space for work, but also for social interactions and camaraderie, aspects that are difficult to replicate in a virtual environment. Secondly, remote work often erodes the clear demarcation between professional and personal life. With work from home, employees might find themselves working beyond office hours, leading to an “always-on” work culture that can cause burnout and mental stress.

Finally, homes may not always be conducive to work. The presence of family, household chores, or lack of a quiet workspace can all be potential sources of distraction, impacting productivity.

Admittedly, remote work has some benefits like saving commute time and flexible working hours. But the hidden costs concerning social isolation, stress, and productivity issues cannot be overlooked.

In conclusion, while remote work has its benefits, we need to be cognizant of its potential to negatively impact employees’ quality of life.






  1. 明確な導入部:あなたは日本の経済の現状と外国企業からの投資の重要性を明確に述べました。
  2. 三つの理由:指示に従い、外国からの投資が日本経済に有益である三つの具体的な理由を述べています。
  3. 適切な構造:導入部、本文、結論の順にしっかりとした構造があります。


  1. 言葉の繰り返し:「foreign investment」や「foreign companies」などのフレーズの繰り返しが目立ちます。これは必ずしも問題ではありませんが、類義語や代名詞を使ってバリエーションを持たせると、読みやすくなります。
  2. 文の長さ:いくつかの文が長く、情報が多く含まれています。これを短い文に分割することで、読者にとって理解しやすくなります。
  3. 文字数:「Suggested length: 200-240 words」という指示があるので、実際の文字数を確認して、この範囲内に収めることが重要です。







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